November 9, 2008

DAY 100!

Hey all-
I have reached the 100th day of the RAWFU challenge. I celebrated yesterday by having some raw food cuisine at Leaf Cuisine in Sherman Oaks.

Some thoughts: I stayed 100% raw for MOST of the 100 days. Some days I ate cooked, especially towards the end of the challenge. Still reflecting on why. Right now I'm thinking that the change in weather (it's getting cold at night here folks) is part of the reason. The main food that I was drawn to was FRENCH FRIES. warm and salty-YUMMY!

What changed from Day 1 to Day 100:
  • My desire to live a raw lifestyle is solidified
  • Went from size 12/14 to 10 (not squeezin' into them either)
  • I have learned much more information about the raw community
  • I am not hesitant to attend more raw meet-ups
  • I am in contact with more raw foodies-that keeps me going!
  • It is EASIER to be raw now than before.
  • I won't beat myself up about having a raw vegan meal every once in a while
  • I acutally want to exercise now!
  • A deeper understanding that this is a learning process-enjoy the ride!

The journey continues-I am about 9 months raw now and lovin' it!!

Peace-enjoy your journey!!

November 4, 2008

November 4, 2008

Wow-I am silenced into awe!
I will remember this day for the rest of my life!
No more to say!!
