July 5, 2008

It's been awhile

Wow-I started this blog as a way to share my thoughts. Since my last blog- I backslid into cooked vegan foods, and I had some issues with craving fries. As I stated before stay away from cooked foods, it leads you into the path of other cooked foods.
I'm just coming off the master cleanse (today is day 10). Tomorrow will be orange juice day!! I lost 9 lbs and am ready to be 100% RAW. I had been 80% raw but added the wrong 20% in the way of cooked foods. Some people can do it (mix) but for me cooked leads to more cooked.

I am hoping that the cleanse will help me stay on the RAW path to great health. I have been looking at you tuber for other recipes. I am really excited that I will be going to my first raw restaurant in Las Vegas. I will blog about that experience soon!

I have been visiting the Farmer's Market every Thursday since summer break started. Wow the produce is awesome. I also bought some of those green bags that keep the produce fresh longer-they really do work. I recommend them!

Have a raw day!

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