February 24, 2010

Juice Feast 2010 Day 1

I'm back-ready for a reset:) Today was Day 1 of my JF--It's also the first day of Lent--I became a member of juicefeasting.com and plan on going as far as I can--my small goal is 40 days--after that we'll see! The long
term goal is the full time-i know I can go for a while because I did the MC for 13 days before..so i'm thinking that this will be better because of the different flavors I get to have. This is definitely a personal journal for me--no one I personally know is in to this raw thing-- so I plan on keeping what I'm doing under wraps-except for my immediate household of course-!
Day one was great--I actually fasted most of the day--and ended up having 1 quart of juice--I had to give my system a rest--i never felt hungry or anything..I read all the info on day one-printed out the excerpts and am focusing on this physical spiritual cleansing:)
green recipe: spinach, celery, pear (I am using a nut milk bag to strain.)

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