February 24, 2010

Juice Feast Days 3 and 4

Still juicing:) Friday was great except I was a bit off schedule with drinking the juice--i ended up sipping on juice #1 which isn't really the directions but i ended up ok--i probably drank a little less because of sipping on juice #1. I had to teach 120-- 7 year olds how to use chopsticks--that was FUN:)
Today (Day4)
I was thinking I would juice each quart as the day went but I juiced all the quarts in the morning which is great because it keeps me on schedule for mon thru fri..
I did a SWF this am instead of the enema ( i'll probably try that later)
I became really tired after the flush so i had to take a nap.. plus it was cold and windy so snuggling on the couch was fine with me..
My fav juice of the day was the pineapple orange (lovin that one)
This feast is going really well---this is much easier than the lemonade cleanse because there are many flavors to choose from.
I am really taking this day by day and am enjoying sll the info I am getting on juicefeasting.com --
The only thing I am experiencing is coldness!! Before giving up meat years ago and being vegan/raw I was always cold anyway...but now it's worse.. I have been drinking herbal teas and enjoying that :)

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