October 3, 2008

RawFu Challenge Day 48

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I have not gained weight, or lost-but that's cool! I know that as soon as I step on that elliptical that I will lose more weight. I have two more weeks of school and I'M DONE! Yeah! One thing left on my plate so to speak!

I'm planning on starting my 5k walk/run training within the next 2 weeks.

Breakfast: banana
snack: Lara Bar -pecan/dates
lunch: salad w/ sunflower 'asian style' pate, tomatoes, cucumber, nama shoya.
dinner: VERY simple guacamole with flax crackers

--Oh yea-I was motivated yesterday by watching the biggest loser! Of course it would have been a good idea to EXERCISE while I watched it instead of sitting on my tush!!!

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